The modern day elegant!

Anne in my opinion is the modern day elegant. She really cant put a foot wrong these days… and I do think she resembles the modern day elegant with this look. A little more drama with those hot red pumps, she certainly is right up there with the forever...

What not to wear to a wedding

I thought what not to wear to a wedding was a great topic for my blog when  royal fever hit me quite late in the piece but my eyes were glued to the TV on Friday night to watch the Royal Wedding. Will and Harry looking very handsome in uniform. Kate was exquisite...

Love the skin you’re in.

If you love the skin you’re in, you will always exude amazing confidence. I have always adhered to “being skinny” does not equate to health or happiness. I am a firm believer in loving the skin I’m in. It has taken a long time to arrive at this revelation but as...

Style Makeovers

A Style Makeover is not as scary as you think, it could mean the simplest change can make a huge difference. Change your look change your life is a motto I adhere to because the smallest change that you make to your current look can make all the difference. A splash...