This goes with that!


  1.  When combining prints and patterns never mix three together unless they are of similar colour and theme and one is more dominant than the other two.
  2. Ensure all items of clothing are going to the same place eg, an outfit of a dark tailored suit, sequined low cut top, heavy shoes and no makeup will look out of sync. You want your total look to speak the same language.
    Adeli Blouse from diana ferrari

    Adeli Blouse from diana ferrari

    Beau Pants from diana ferrari

    Beau Pants from diana ferrari

  3.  Fabrics of like quality work well together, smooth with smooth, texture with texture.
  4.  Work around your core colours, if you have a warm complexion select chocolates and taupes, if you are cool and light select greys, if you are cool and dark select mid charcoals and navy. You will find your basic colours will blend beautifully.
  5.  Make sure each piece is in your most flattering colour palette and fits both your shape and your clothing personality. Don’t waste money on stuff that doesn’t fit or make you look good.
  6.  Avoid trendy styles. What’s “in” this year will be “out” next year and you’ll be out of cash. Invest in quality.
  7.  Solids mix more easily than prints; it will make creating clothing clusters much easier.
Chocolates and taupes are fab for warm complexions

Chocolates and taupes are fab for warm complexions

I know from experience that some women are really good at mixing and matching while others need a little more help. Arrange your closet for easy access by keeping all the pants together, all the jackets together, all the skirts together etc., by colour, so that you can see at a glance what you have to work with. Study fashion catalogues and window displays for ideas. Make note of how a jacket might be worn a little differently or how an accessory might be worn differently.

Not sure how to build your working wardrobe capsule? Then why not book in for a Wardrobe Workout that will help you identify your most enhancing core pieces so you can learn how to build upon them.
Discover your style personality formula and wear items that fit you, flatter you and love you. Better to have fewer clothes in your wardrobe that you love rather than a lot of clothes that just make do. I will show you how you can turn 20 items into over one hundred combinations.

Or why not book a Personal Shopping Session?

Styledge Image consulting will help you shop with purpose and discernment. I will teach you some basic shopping skills to give you the confidence and power to transform your most important asset, and that’s you!
Armed with my top ten wardrobe essentials we will plan a shopping experience designed to complement your body shape, your complexion, your personality, lifestyle and budget!

Book your Wardrobe Workout or Shopping Session today $250