Once you discover your own individual style you will never be dictated to by the latest trends or outlandish fashions that bombard us every season. I have said in the past and I will say it again that just because something is in fashion does not mean it’s going to look fashionable on you. Developing your own sense of style is so liberating because you choose what defines you and not what you see currently in the shops or in the latest magazines.
We have looked up to fashion icons such as Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Princess Dianna and many others because they give us a sense of direction on how to put certain looks together.
Apart from knowing what colours suit our complexion and what styles suit our body shape it is as vitally important to tie it all together by knowing our personality style.
Style is something that evolves over time. It is something that can be taught and developed as we begin to spy out the various looks we love and adapt them into our wardrobe and make them work!
In our 20’s we are experimenting with our youth and we can have fun with our image.
In our 30’s as our lifestyle changes we are on the journey to finding “our” style.
In our 40’s it’s about establishing a style that will take us into our 50’ s, 60’ s and beyond. It is a place where we create a sense of peace, acquired wisdom and beauty.
STYLeDGE will unlock your personal style so that you will make a great first impression every time. Call today for your Personal Style File, you will love it!
Jane Allen
Professional Image Consultant